Sometimes life isn’t about the trail you are on, but who is on the trail with you:
Heather and Matt are the types of people you can lose track of time with. Their lives of adventure have given them so many stories. They have been to such interesting places all over the world. Eventually, these adventures led them down the aisle to one another at their Green Acres Wedding. We want to share with you the story that got them there!
When we asked Heather to recall the beginning of their love story, this is what she had to say:
” … our first date was to a St. Paul Saints game. It was instant sparks without a single lull in the conversation! We talked the whole game and were literally the last to leave-the lights were out and everything! We made a plan to meet in two days and we have not spent a day apart (aside from when he’s working or mountain climbing without me) since!
I later found out that he knew I was “the one” at that date because I had the balls to wear white pants to a first date. I did get a little ketchup on them tho-but that wasn’t surprising.
About 4 months later I decided I didn’t want to wait any longer for him to say “I love you” so I decided to do it on one of our hikes. We were geogaching at Richard T. Anderson Park (we call it Dicky T’s.) and I had prepared beforehand by writing “I love you” on a rock I had picked up from an earlier date at the corn maze. Matt has a rock collection. I pretended to have found it on the path right past a bridge. He said “I love you too” and was relieved he didn’t have to worry about it anymore!
Later, that was the same exact spot he proposed and the same exact spot of our first look. I got the coordinates of the spot engraved on the compass I gave him as a wedding gift.”
Then, as Heather said, it was off to that very park for their first look, but first, makeup and an adorable love note!
Going to the Chapel, Gonna Get Married!!!
After the park, it was off to Green Acres for some quick fun in the sun (is it too early to already miss warm weather?) Then back on the party bus to Immaculate Heart of Mary for the ceremony.
Before the exchanging of rings, Matt had to say about the proposal:
” The first time Heather told me she loved me was at a conservation area in Eden Prairie. I knew I wanted to propose there, so after getting the ring I waited a few weeks for a really nice snowfall to happen. That was Part A of the Plan. Part B was a little more complicated. We had discussed previously how we shared a common interest — children’s books. She wanted to write them, and I wanted to illustrate. Heather had given me a short story for our one year dating anniversary, so I took that and illustrated it (secretly). The story was about us meeting each other, and finding happiness. I called it The Wandering Woods. Got it printed as an actual book, glossy cover, all that.
On the day of the proposal I brought the book with. When we got to the spot where she had told me she loved me, I pulled out the book and asked her to read it. I’d like to say she savored it, but I think she figured out what was going on pretty quickly and flipped through it in about 8 seconds. At the end of the book, we walk into the sunset together hand in hand. At this point I presented the ring, and she said yes!”
If you know Matt, you can almost hear his voice and tone as he describes Heather’s reaction to the book – it tickles me, every time!
After cocktails it was time for Dinner and Dancing!
When asked about their favorite memories from their Green Acres wedding adventure Heather said:
“So many memories to choose from! I would have to say my favorite overall was the flawlessness of the whole day (aside from the flowers, but oh well!) The first look in the woods was absolute perfection. But, truly my favorite single memory was seeing Matt cry when he saw me for the first time, receiving me from my dad, and when we said our vows. I am the cry baby in the relationship and I have never ever seen him cry until our wedding day (I kept it together tho-not sure how I managed that…somebody’s got to). To me, that meant everything to see that emotion, it showed me how important I am to him and how much he loves me. I did not think I would see the tears so you can imagine how wonderful it felt for me on my wedding day. He is one special guy and I love that I call him my husband “
While Matt added:
“First look because it was cool”
Oh guys!
During the dancing, as the sun was setting, Heather and Matt snuck away to capture what I like to call “Awesomeness on the Rocks”.
We hope you enjoyed Heather and Matt’s Green Acres Wedding! As always, I also want to make sure to give love to others that contributed to this wonderful wedding adventure :
- Lauren from Green Acres Event Center (Venue) – I can’t say enough good things about this place! Love it!
- Immaculate Heart of Mary (Ceremony) – The church was beautiful!
- Studio Veil (Photo Booth) – We still have our picture on our fridge!
- Sterling Catering (Catering) – The food is always delicious!
- Rent My Party Bus (Transportation) – The only way to get around!
- Bella Bridal Boutique (Dress) – Heather looked stunning! Great dress!
- Knights Chambers (Tux) – Matt looking pretty fly, for a bee guy!
- Midwest Sound (DJ) – Music selection was great!
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