PUPPIES! Well, all dogs are considered puppies to me or as I like to call them, perpy-derps.
This Lake Superior Zoo Engagement Session session started off the way all good days start and that is with three good perpy-derps. Sara and Clayton wanted to document their way of life which is heavily filled with their adorable dogs. So we started the adventure at a local park with a little fetch time and walks. (Thinking about including your fur baby in your wedding?) The day continued with traveling north to Duluth to the Lake Superior Zoo, where Sara and Clayton enjoy learning and observing the wildlife. Llamas, lemurs and lions oh yes!
Then, since we were in Duluth, we had to take photos of the Lift bridge and boardwalk area – I’m pretty sure it’s the law. However, when we take photos of the Lift bridge and Lake Superior we do them epic style as is our photography way. Mixing gorgeous scenery, magic camera lighting, and a playful happy couple yielded some great photos to document the life of Sara and Clayton. (Check out their amazing winter wedding!)
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