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From West Texas and New Mexico, we continued our journey home onto our Arizona roadtrip to see the Grand Canyon and Antelope canyon.

Since the distance in between was vast, we made a side stop at Winslow crater in Flagstaff. There are so many cool places to see that often times I just use google maps to draw my path from one location to the other, then I look at local sites nearby and along the way.

It was neat to touch the meteor that was left over from the crash landing. It’s also a way cooler experience to learn about meteors and sorts when you get to gaze upon the destruction first hand.

Next on the trip was the Grand Canyon! It was a bit embarrassing for Earl and me to have never seen the United States number one treasure so we had to remedy that asap.

We arrived near sunset and ran to one of the viewing points. The view did not disappoint! The depth and vastness is hard to capture in photos or videos so the only advice I have is to go head and take a trip there yourself.

We wanted to hike and explore the grand Canyon but didn’t have enough time/resources to camp at the bottom so we hiked on the South Kaibab Trail. We luckily didnt need spikes for the ice or snow but the hiking poles we had bought were life savers!

It was about 6 miles round trip and took about 6 hours to get to the final point called Skeleton point, and back up.

The horrible part about hiking into a canyon, is that the excitement and wonderment is spent all while trekking down, and when you are just starting to get tired is when you realize you have the long harder journey back up top with the elevation to taunt you. Alas, we conquered the hike and made it back to base camp.

After the Grand Canyon, we drove to Page, AZ in order to see the Antelope canyon. For this you have to book tours which I did many months prior. We did both the upper and lower canyon tours using AntelopeSlotCanyonTours for the upper tour and Kens Tours for the lower tour. Both canyons were super picturesque but I personally enjoyed the lower canyon because it was more immersive. We had to crawl, squeeze, and hike through the canyon walls. Earl actually enjoyed the upper canyon better because it was darker with more light beam contrast and felt more whimsical for him.

Since Horseshoe bend was super close by, we were able to head over after the tour and take in more of the Epic nature of Arizona. I had seen photos of the Horseshoe bend, but again, photos cant do justice for the awe feeling and grandiose vibes you get in person. So go ahead and add that to your list.

After all of the sites in Arizona, we were exhausted but ready to wander into Utah for the next phase of our roadtrip blitz home; however, I’ll save that for the next trip!

Check out the first part of our journey here.

Places on this trip:

  1. Meteor Crater
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Antelope Canyon
  4. Horseshoe Bend

Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip

Arizona roadtrip

Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip
Arizona roadtrip

Arizona roadtrip


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